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"True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Dec 25, 2012 7:06 pm by oTKismyLifeo

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     "True Love" ( love at first sight )

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    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  Empty
    PostSubject: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 10:17 pm

    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  000y0511

    originally posted on
    Tokio Hotel US Forum

    Last edited by dianavymm on Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 9:24 pm

    "Okay guys… remember that this is my first time to write a novel that is written in English. If anyone of you find mistakes while reading… I do apologize…please spare me.Embarassed
    Thank for having a time in reading my story. I hope you enjoy and have fun while reading.”
    Sincerely yours,
    Diana Vymm

    The characters and events in this story are purely fictional and are not to be construed as even remotely inspired by person and events known and unknown to the author.

    PART 1

    She is just an ordinary woman who wants to find a man of her dreams, her true love. She is simple but you can never compare her to anyone else… her beauty is remarkable. She is tall and slender with sun kissed skin and has the most beautiful face you can ever imagine…

    “Lyndie… look at what I’ve got.” Sonia showed her engagement ring to her dearest best friend.
    “Don’t tell me you are getting married?" She asked. Sonia smiled while nodding. Lyndie put her hands around Sonia and hold close.” I’m happy for you.” she whispers and smiled.
    “I know.” she smiled back.
    “I hope someday I’ll find my man too.” she sighed.
    “He will find you… you’ll see.” Her voice has a guarantee
    “I hope he will do that soon or I will crush him with my bare hands.” She laughed.
    “Really? well he better do that soon.”
    “Well I’m just kidding.”
    They both laughs.

    While she was on her way back home she saw a bunch of crowd.” I no wonder who is that maybe another singer.” She was looking there.
    “Really do you know who he is?”the men asked her. She was still looking there.
    “I don’t know, who cares they scattered everywhere.” she look at the guy who asked her “why you are asking me? You better find out by your self.” she said and continues to walk.

    “God she’s beautiful.” He whispered. Bill was mesmerized by her.

    Bill is a singer and quite popular just like any singer do. He is tall and handsome just like his twin brother Tom who is now in the middle of that crowd. Tom was the one that Lyndie was talking about just a while ago.
    He believes in love at first sight. His been dating some girls before but he never felt this feeling he felt for that girl.

    He secretly followed Lyndie....

    Last edited by dianavymm on Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:52 pm

    PART 2

    While walking Lyndie saw something that caught her attention. She was looking at the wedding dress in the glass window.
    “I wish someday I’ll wear that wedding dress.” her mind said while imagining her self wearing that dress and walking down the aisle with…
    “Beautiful isn’t it?” Bill said while looking at that dress.
    She felt shock. “Oh! How long have you been there?” she asked as she moved backward away from the guy.
    “Just a couple a minute.” he smiled.
    “Yeah it’s beautiful.” She smiled and then she walks away but Bill still following her.

    A few miles away from that store she felt that she being followed, suddenly she stops and look back “What? Why he’s following me?”She realizes. She really felt nervous that moment. “Oh my Gosh! Oh my…”she run as fast as she can but…
    “Wait! Don’t run…I’m not a bad guy.” He was panting while running after her.
    She stops and looks back again at the guy who’s following her.
    “Why you are following me?” she asked him.
    “I want make friends with you.”He explained.
    “What? Make friends with me?" She can’t believe everything he said
    He nodded, he was still gasping for his breath...
    She sighed “You make me nervous; I thought you were a bad guy.”
    “No, no, I’m sorry for that miss, I don’t mean to frighten you.” He apologized.
    “I’m sorry too.” she smiled
    He was mesmerized by that smile. ”Can I walk you home?”
    “Sure.”She agreed.

    “So how long have you been here?” he asked.
    “Just a couple of month ago, I’m searching my luck here.”
    “I see.” He said while nodding.
    “And you?”
    “I’m just walking around, and then I saw you.”
    “Wait, I’m wondering why you want to make friends with me?” He wondered.
    “Nothing, I find you special.” He said.
    “Really?” she arc her eyebrow. She look at him and said “why you are wearing sun glasses?It’s not sunny at all.” She looked at the sky.
    “It’s just…” He tried to explain but then... she looked back at him and removed his sunglass.
    She was shock when she saw his face…

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:53 pm

    PART 3

    “You’re Bill?” She was amazed. She knew that Bill is a singer.
    “Yes I am.” He smiled.
    “Well I didn't expect to see you here… you don’t have…any…”
    “Actually the guy in the crowd is Tom...”He added.
    “Oh! Yeah the crowd.” She remembered. “Why you’re not there?” She wondered.
    “I ask him if I can walk around.”
    “Yeah… I’m so tired being followed.”
    “But it’s too dangerous for you to walk around alone…here?”
    “They won’t recognize me?” he smiled.
    She look around if anyone sees Bill. “You better wear your sunglasses before someone recognize you.” She suggested.
    “Oh! Thank you.” He wears his sunglasses. “Anyway where are you from?”
    “Well actually I just came here to help my Aunt.”
    “Ahh… so you live with your Aunt?”
    “Yes… I just visit my friend a few blocks away.”He nods.
    She stops when she saw her Aunt’s gate.
    “So this is your Aunt’s house?”
    “Yeah, I’m staying here for a while, well… nice meeting you Bill, it’s a pleasure to see you here.”
    “Can I ask you?”
    “Sure what is that?”
    “Can I come back here? I... mean ask you for some tea or… coffee?”
    “Sure, whenever you want too.”
    “Well see you then.”
    “See you.”
    “Ah… wait, can I ask for your number?”
    “Sure.” She gave her number and opens her gate…” Bye.” She smiled before entering her door
    “Bye.” He smiled back.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:54 pm

    PART 4

    The Next Day.

    “OMG, Sonia you wouldn’t believe me I was with Bill yesterday.”
    “Bill? O come on girl, you’re kidding me right?” She couldn’t believe her.
    “No! I’m with him yesterday.” She assured.
    “O-okay then I’ll believe you, so what happened?” She seriously asked.
    “He just wanted to make friends with me.”
    “Really I won’t believe you.” She said.
    “Well girl believe me. You know what I didn’t recognize him, at first I thought I was being followed with some bad guys.” She narrated.
    “And so what happened next?” She was excited
    “Well I run so fast…” Sonia laughs so hard.
    “Hey why you are laughing?” She blushed.
    “Can you believe that? You thought he was a bad guy...”She laughed out loud.
    “Hey cut it out… well he wears black shirt, black jacket, black sun glasses… so what do you think, I would think?”
    “Okay…”She tried to stop laughing.”So why he looks like that?”
    “I don’t know maybe he’s disguising, something like that.”
    “Ah…Well but how come he followed you?” She asked.
    “I don’t know? He said he want to make friends with me.” She explained.
    “Don’t you think he’s the one?” She smiled meaningful
    “What do you mean?” He curiously asked.
    “The man you’ve been looking for.” He reminded.
    “Huh? I don’t think so…”
    “Well that the exact word I said when you ask me the same question before… and now look at me, I’m getting marry to that guy.” She showed her engagement ring.
    “Okay then, you won… but we have different story Sonia…
    Bill and I? It’s impossible… he’s unreachable, I’m just an ordinary girl Sonia.”
    She sadly narrated.

    The Next Morning

    “KRING! KRING! KRING!“She heard her cell phone rings “Hello?” She answered.
    “Hi Lyndie are you busy today?”
    “Huh? Who’s this?” She woke up…just to answer that call.
    “It’s Bill, remember?”
    “Bill?” She tried to remember, her mind is still sleepy. “Ah! Bill…” She recalled. “So why did you call, its only 6 o’clock in the morning.” She looked in her clock on the wall.
    “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry…” He apologized.
    She can feel the sadness on his voice. ”No, It’s okay Bill…so why did you call again?” She changed the topic.
    “Well I just want to ask you for a…. cup of coffee?”
    “I can’t believe it; he woke me up just to ask me for a cup of coffee.” Her mind whispered, She smiled and say “Huh coffee?”
    “What ever you want…” He added.
    “Well okay then, coffee.”
    “So I’ll see you then?”
    “I’ll be there by an hour.”
    “See you then.”
    “Bye.” she cuts the line.

    After 45 minutes, She was about to water the plant on the back yard when she opens the door and saw… Bill, “Wow I thought you said after one hour?”
    “I don’t want to be late.” he smiled. “Are you ready?”
    “Yeah… but I need to water the plants first.”
    “Oh well can I help you?”
    “Sure.” she gave the watering container to Bill. He started to water the plants “You know this is my first time.”
    “To water the plants?” she smiled.
    “Yeah…” he agreed
    “Well I can see your enjoying it.”
    “You love flowers, I mean plants?” He asked while watering the plants.
    “Yeah my mom used to spend her time in our garden and so I learned to love them.” She narrated.
    “Ahh...” He nodded.
    “I think we go now.” She noticed that Bill is pouring the water in the last pot. She gets the container and goes to the nearest sink in the backyard and washes their hands.
    “Let’s go?” Bill asked. She nodded.

    “I have a great time Bill, thank you.” She smiled.
    “No, I must the one who thank you Lyndie.”
    “Why?”She wondered.
    “You really make my day.” He admitted.
    She arc her one eyebrow and said “Really…well, I have to go now Bill, its getting late.”
    “I’ll walk you home.” He insists.
    “No thank you I can handle myself…maybe your brother is looking for you.”
    He just smiled. “Are you sure?”
    “Well my house is just a few blocks away here…”
    “Okay then, as you wish.”
    “Bye.” that’s the last thing she said before she walks away from that place.

    On her way back home…while walking suddenly someone grab her hand and said “Shh…” He wears the jacket he was holding while looking in her and then he hugged her tight. They stay that way in a moment

    And then while in that moment the paparazzi pass by “Where is he?” someone asks. “Maybe, he goes there…” the other one pointed the road directing to east. The crowd and the paparazzi go that way.

    As the road getting silent the guy releases her.”Than—k…”
    She slaps his face. “Ouch!!” He complained while holding his right cheek.
    “How could you do that?” She was angry.
    “I’m sorry… they are following me and that’s the last idea that I thought…so...” He tried to explain.
    She looked at him more closely.“You look familiar…”

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:55 pm

    PART 5

    ”Tom?” She said.
    “Yeah, I am Tom… and you are?"
    “Lyndie.” She smiled. “Wow she’s beautiful.” His mind realize as he saw her smile…
    “Tom?” She tapped his shoulder.
    “Oh! Ly-ndie… well nice name. Anyway thanks for… the slap.” He smiled. “I mean for helping me…even if you really don’t mean it.” He added.
    “Well that’s okay, Ahhm sorry for this.” She hold his face and felt sorry.
    It was the first time he felt this way, he even don’t know what it is. He just felt that he must know this girl. He holds her hand and say “Its okay Miss Lyndie, Ahhm wait can I invite you for a dinner?“ He already has the idea how to know this girl better.
    “Now? Well I can’t its getting late I must go home…” She explained.
    “How about, driving you home?”
    “Please…” He insisted.
    “Okay then.” She smiled.

    “Tom? Are you still awake?” He asked while lying in his bed.
    “Why?" Tom asked.
    “I think I love her.” He admitted.
    He sits down on his bed and asked. “Whoa, you said what?”
    “I love her.”

    “Who? I mean… since when? How?” He’s confused.
    ”I don’t know…how, but I must tell her now, I mean tomorrow.”
    “That’s nice, you finally found her… You know what I think I’m in love too…” He also admitted.
    “What? O come’ on, you’ve said that a million times Tom.” He laughed.
    “No!” He denied. “I… mean yes, I always said that but this is not like the others… you know what I mean?”
    “Okay then… as you said.” He looked at the ceiling and tried to get sleep.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:57 pm

    PART 6

    The next morning.

    “Want a ride?” Bill asked Lyndie.
    “Where? Did you bring your car?”
    “Really? But I didn't saw it.” She looked at her window and she saw his car. “Oh I see.”
    “Come on…” He pulled her hand and goes straight down stairs and into his car.
    “Where are you planning to go?” She asked.
    “Do you want to see our van?”
    “Sure I love that.”
    He smiled and started to drive.

    “So this is the van?” He looked at it.
    He nodded.”Let’s go inside.” He invited her.
    They entered the van.
    “There’s nobody here?” She looked around.
    “They go shopping.” He explained.
    “…and they left the van?” with amazement in her eyes.
    He smiled.
    “So what are we going to do now?” She asked.
    Bill stood in front of her and starts talking…

    ”Stop it Bill!” She really laughed that loud.
    “Okay then so let’s change the topic… how about the…” Lyndie hold his lips ”no… stop.” she looked at his eyes while holding his tummy.
    He was looking at her, he was sure about his feelings and he really likes Lyndie.
    She slowly let go of his lips and smiled “You know you’re not just a great singer you’re also a joker.”

    “Whoops, sorry!”
    They both stood and looked at the guy in front of them. It was Tom.
    Tom was looking at her.” You’re…” He couldn’t believe what he saw.
    “Ah, Tom this is Lyndie and Lyndie this is Tom, my brother.” He introduced.
    “Oh, Tom.” She greeted him.
    “Hi!” he wonders while he laid his hand and Lyndie slowly accepted it.”Hi again, Tom…” She smiled.
    Tom can’t take his eyes off her. “Bill, you never told me that...”
    “You know each other already?” He asked after realizing what Lyndie said.
    “Yeah, we met…” She wasn’t able to continue what she is about to say. Tom holds her hand a little tighter. She looked at him confusingly.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:58 pm

    PART 7

    Bill noticed that. “You said you have thing to do Tom, like fixing the broken strings of your guitar?” He tried to distract Tom but he was just staring at her. It was clear on him that his brother likes her too.
    Lyndie couldn’t take that look. She stooped down and looked at Bill. She was looking at her hands because Tom was still holding it.
    Bill grabbed her hand “Tom…” He looked at his brother. Tom released her hands, “Oh I’m sorry Lyndie.” He realized he was still holding her hands.
    “It’s okay.” She smiled back.
    Bill look at Tom seriously.
    “Okay then, I’ll go now.” He raised both of his hands.
    “Bye, Lyndie.” He smiled at her and walked away.
    “Don’t mind him, he’s always like that.” He explained.
    “Ah.” She seriously nodded.

    Bill thought that Tom was outside the van and fixing his guitar but he was wrong. Tom was there behind the door, listening.
    “That was the first time I saw him to be so protective to a girl…does it means she is that girl?” He asked himself. “Or she is… his girl, now? No way! But how… oh come’ on Tom, don’t be like that on Bill! Don’t ever think of taking that girl…” He was talking to himself “But I love her, No stop Tom Stop!” He was confused. ” But how can I forget her? I want to know her… Ahh!” He was arguing to himself. “Okay Tom, just treat her like…” Now he’s having a plan in his head how to get her off his mind.

    After a couple of minutes Tom decided to come back in.
    “You’re fast, already fixed it?” Bill asked.
    “I don’t think I can fix it.” He answered.
    He seated beside Lyndie. ”Well, you’re still here Miss beautiful.” He looked at Lyndie from head to toe.
    “Stop it Tom!” Bill was irritated. Tom was trying to tease him more.
    She doesn’t notice that Bill was actually irritated with Tom. “Bill we have a party tonight remember? Why don’t you ask Lyndie if she wants to come with us?”
    She looked at him. “Really?”
    “You want to come?” Tom asked her. “Please don’t say no, Lyndie.” he added.
    “Okay sure, what time?”
    “8 PM.”
    “It’s late?”
    “But I’m willing to drive you home.” He said then he looked at his brother. He is teasing him again.
    “You’ll do that?”
    “No! I’m going to drive her home, Tom.” He was looking at him as if he wants to eat him alive. Tom just smile at him. “Okay then you won.” He surrendered.
    “Well I’ll go.” She agreed. Lyndie does not have any clue what was going on between them.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 10:58 pm

    PART 8

    They went to the private bar they used to go.
    “What is this place?” She curiously asked.
    “Bar? Why is this your first time?” Tom asked.
    “Bar? Yeah actually it’s my first time to see this place.” She admitted.
    “What? don’t you have a night life?” he smiled.
    “I don’t have any.” She looked around the place, and wondered.
    “You’re pathetic…”
    “Stop it Tom!” Bill prohibited Tom and gave him a bad look.
    “I’m just telling the truth, right Lyndie?” He looked at her. She just smiled at him.
    “God She is beautiful… I hate this!” Tom whispered in his mind. His plan doesn't work.

    They started to order drinks.
    “So what do you want?” Bill asked.
    “Do they have juice here?” She answered.
    “Juice, don’t tell me you don’t drink?” He looked at her confusingly.
    “Yes is there a problem in that?”
    “No, there’s nothing wrong in that Lyndie.” Bill said.
    “You’re weird?” Tom said.
    “Do you think I am?” She asked.
    “Yeah… You’re the first girl I met that don’t go to a bar and don’t drink.”
    “Well…I just know the consequences.” She said.
    They just both nodded and smiled at her.

    It was five in the afternoon the next day.
    “Sonia this is Bill.” She politely introduced him with her best friend.
    “Hi… Bill?” She was shocked; she thought that Lyndie was just kidding about Bill.
    “Hi!” He greeted.
    “Well you’re not really making stories Lyndie, his real.”
    “I told you.”
    “I thought it just a novel and you’re fantasies you are talking about last time.”
    “My novels and fantasies, huh? Stop it Sonia!” She laughed.
    “Well I believe in you now…”
    “Hmm! girls excuse me, where do you want to eat?” Bill asked them.
    They both looked at him and smile.
    “He’s so cute Lyndie.” Sonia whispered on her ears.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:00 pm

    PART 9

    "Others told me that he’s gay and I thought he really is but Lyndie… his not.” She whispered and looked at her seriously while looking at Bill on the other side talking on the phone.
    “Well rumors, but …Maybe, actually I still have a doubt on him.” She whispered back.
    ”Well maybe he just loves that style.” She reasoned out.
    “He really look like a woman, look at him actually he is beautiful than me, Right?” She compared herself.
    “You have a point in that girl but I think he likes you.” Sonia whispered.
    “Really? Come’ on girl.” She doesn’t believe what she said.
    “I can see into his eyes, the way he looked at you just a while ago.” She winked while smiling.
    “You making me laugh girl.” She arc her brow.
    “Girl that’s the way Gilbert looks at me.” Gilbert is Sonia’s boyfriend.
    “Huh?” She got confused.
    “Don’t deny it you know he likes you, don’t you?”
    She blushed. “Well he looks at me that way even before the first time we met.” She explained.
    “Really? So that’s why he followed you, it’s because you caught his attention.” Sonia figured out.
    “Yeah, he said that to me.” She agreed.
    “Oh girl this is you’re dream…” Sonia smiled.
    “Ha?” Lyndie was clueless.
    “Maybe, he’s the one you’ve been looking for.” She guessed.
    “Who, Bill?” She asked confusingly.
    Yeah!” She answered quickly.
    “Oh come on girl, don’t be like that you know it‘s impossible.” She disagreed.
    “But who knows?”
    “Cut it out! It’s not funny!” She rolled her eyes on Sonia.

    Next day.
    It was 7 in the evening when the doorbell rang. She opened it and…”Tom?”
    “Hi! Lyndie.” He smiled.
    “But it’s late…” She was looking if Bill was there. “He’s not with me.” Tom knew that she was looking for Bill. “Don’t you want to invite me to come in?” He added quickly.
    “Ah? Oh! Sorry come in…” He invited him to come. “Have a seat.” She smiled while pointing on the sofa.
    “Thank you.” He said when sitting.
    “Hmm… do you want some tea?”
    “Sure.” She came back with a glass of tea and some cookies.
    “So, why you came here? How did you know where I live?”
    “Nothing…” He smiled.
    “Huh? Why nothing?" She pouted.
    “I just want to see you.” He reason out.
    “See me?” She gave him a confusing look.
    “Yeah, I want to ask if …” He said while looking at her. ”Oh God help, I tried to forget her… but I can’t!” His mind whispered.
    “If what?”
    “…If you’re dating my brother?” He asked quickly.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:00 pm

    PART 10

    ”Well, I just want to ask.”
    “No, Tom Bill and I are just friends; he doesn’t ask anything about that on me.” She said seriously.
    “Really?” He assured.
    “Yeah.” She nodded.
    He sighed. “I thought you two are dating or something, thank God I’m wrong.”
    “I just don’t get you’re point Tom?”
    He kneeled in front of her “Can I know you more?”
    “What?” She was shocked.
    “I mean… I like you, and I want to know you more… please say yes.”
    “You like me but we just met…and you’re…”
    “I don’t care… please.” He begged quickly.
    She is speechless at first. “O-okay then… but I will not promise anything.” She reassured.
    He is so happy; he hugged her. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”
    She just smiled back. She is clueless.

    Sonia’s wedding day.
    “You are so beautiful in that wedding gown Sonia.” She is happy for her friend.
    “Thanks girl, someday you will wear your dream wedding gown just like me.”
    “I hope so…” He sighed.
    “Hope so? How about that Bill I think he likes you.”
    “Yeah were friends.”
    “Just friends?” She looked at her closely.
    “Well, I really don’t know…” She’s blank.
    “I heard that Tom his twin brother has a plan to court you?”
    “Plan? But how did you know? I mean… I even don’t know that.”
    “Girl your name is in the news paper, you know that those guys are really popular…” She quickly added.
    “In news paper?”
    “Everyone does, so what do you think maybe his better than Bill.”
    “Huh? I think Sonia you read wrong information… Tom and I was just friend just like Bill…”
    “You mean, but I thought…”
    “Yes Tom asked me about if he can know me better… and I said yes… but it doesn’t mean were like that… I mean just like what you have read in the newspapers.”

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:01 pm

    PART 11

    The next morning she accidentally saw Bill. She walked straight to him. He was writing.
    “So what’s in the notebook?” She was looking in his notebook.
    “Huh?” Bill looked up and saw her. “Oh Lyndie…” He was shocked she didn’t expect to see Lyndie. “I was planning to go in your house later but you’re here…” He narrated.
    “Planning? Why?” She asked.
    “I’m going to say something…”
    “I see…”She nodded while seating beside him “How about that?” She looked at the notebook in his hands.
    “Oh this?” He point out the notebook. “Nothing... just writing, you know.” He smiled.
    “Oh composing a song… but here?” He looked around. “Come I’ll show you a better place.”She smiled.

    “Here we are.”
    Bill looked around “There are a lot of trees in here?”
    “Yes… don’t you feel relaxed when you see them, smell the refreshing wind? I like here.” She narrated.
    “You like here, do you like this kind of place?”
    “Yes, before I’m just imagining this place, I was born in the city so this kind of a place was so rare and so I found it here just a month a ago.”
    “So you feel relax here?” He asked at they sat near the tree.
    “I do, I love this place.” She answered. She looked at the sky and feels the air passing through.
    “Well it’s a beautiful place.” He looked at her and said… “It is beautiful as you.” He whispered.
    “What?” She said.
    “Lyndie I need to say this to you.” He is serious. “I love you.”
    “What?” She moved few inches away from him.
    “Yes I do love you.” He admitted.
    “You’re kidding right?” She cannot believe he said that.
    “No I’m serious.”
    “But since when?”
    “From the day that I saw you, I really want to tell this before but I can’t find the right time to say it so…” He was explaining.
    “But Bill, it’s hard for me to say this but … I can’t.” She replied sadly.
    “I’m sorry because… I think we can’t.” She stooped down. ”Bill, I liked you ever since I saw you, because I like the way smile and your voice is so amazing… but I still have a doubt on you… it really breaks my heart because I like you and…” He kissed her. It is her first kiss. She slapped him. ”Why, did you do that!” She was so angry with him.
    “Because I love you…” He explained.
    “But you just kissed me!” She was crying.
    “Please don’t cry... I don’t want to see you crying.” He begged.
    “But you did, I promise myself to give that kiss to my first boyfriend, and now you took it and you’re telling me not to cry?”
    “I’m sorry, I don’t know, I thought…”
    “I’m not those girls you used to know Bill, I’m different from them.”
    “I know, that’s why I love you.” He was begging.
    However, Lyndie was still crying. "But, I don’t know! I can’t think.”
    “Please Lyndie, listen to me, I love you.” He whispered. He held her face.
    There is a moment of silence before she speaks. “If I say to you that I love you will promise… not to break my heart?”
    “I promise.” He smiled “So… you mean you’re accepting me?”
    “Because you stole a kiss, and I have no other choice.” She wiped her tears and gave him a smile.
    “I’m just kidding.” She smiled. “I accepted you because I realize that I still love you.”
    “Still love me?” He was confused.
    “Yes, even before you don’t know me… and now I realize I still do.”
    “I love you, Lyndie.” He hugged her tight.
    “I love you too, Bill.”

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:02 pm

    PART 12

    Tom went to Lyndie’s place that night.
    Lyndie opened the door and… “Oh Tom, What are you doing here?” She said.
    “Nothing, I want to clarify something…”
    “Come, I want to say something to you.” As they enter her room.
    “Tom, Bill and I are…”
    “Why?” He was sad.
    “I love your brother Tom.” She happily explained.
    “What? It can’t be.” Slowly tears drop into his eyes, he sat in the nearest couch.
    She walked toward him. “Hey, don’t be like that; well I don’t know I just love him.” She sat beside him and noticed he was crying…”Hey what’s the problem?"
    “But I love you too…Lyndie.” He added.
    “What? But Tom you know your brother loves me right?” She asked.
    “I knew that…but I can’t help myself, I love you.”
    “Huh?” She still confused.
    “I don’t know, it was strange, I never felt this feeling before, I don’t know.” He stooped down.
    “I’m Sorry… can you just be happy for us?”
    “No Lyndie, please don’t say that.” He begged.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you Tom it’s just…”
    He goes in her window and…
    “What are you doing Tom? Go down its dangerous there!” She said.
    “If you can’t be with me… I’ll better die.” He looks desperate.
    “What? Stop it Tom this is not the right time for jokes!”
    “This not a joke Lyndie,” He was standing in her window, just one wrong move he will fall.
    “Wait!” She was trying to stop him. ”Don’t jump! Please…” She is shaking. She was scared; she cannot let Tom do this.
    “Will you accept me?” He asked her from the window.
    “Please Tom don’t make it hard for me.” She begged him while crying.
    “Just love me… please.” He begged too.
    “Tom… please don’t do this, please don’t jump…”She cried on bended knees
    “Say you love me…”
    She was crying while saying these words. “I love you.”
    He went down and hugged her tight. ”I love you Lyndie, I love you.”
    She just cried.

    “Guys, I want you to meet Lyndie my girlfriend.” Tom proudly introduced her to his friends including his twin brother Bill.
    “Well, congratulations, no wonder you liked her …she is really beautiful.” Georg said.
    Bill could not believe anything. He ran outside. “Bill, wait!” Lyndie ran after him
    “Why! Is this just a game for you?” He confronted her.
    “No Bill you don’t understand me… it’s just.”
    “Just what! Tell me, you said you loved me yesterday, remember?”
    “Now I can’t love you anymore, Bill.” She cried.
    “Why? Why you are hurting me this way.” A tear drops into his eyes.
    “Last night, you’re brother tried to kill himself…” She narrated.
    “What?” He was shocked.
    “He tried to jump in my window; he said he won’t do it if… I will be his girl, and so I say yes Bill, I don’t have any choice.”
    He was holding his forehead “He will do that?”
    “Bill, I can’t see him dying just for me, I can’t take that! I’m sorry.”
    He hugged her.
    “I love you but I must love your brother.” She cried.
    They both cried.

    Later at night.
    “She said you tried to kill yourself?” He confronted his brother.
    “I’m sorry Bill, but I love her.”
    “You not fair Tom; you know I love her too.”
    “I tried to forget her but I can’t Bill!”
    Come on Tom you have a lot of girls you’ve been dating and me? Just once Tom! Just once…”
    “I’m sorry Bill but I can’t give her back to you.” He apologized.
    “Just don’t hurt her... please.” He begged.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:03 pm

    PART 13

    ”Look at you why you are always sad when you’re with me.” Tom asked Lyndie.
    “Stop it Tom, I’m tired.” she got irritated.
    “I want to see you smile again.” He was waiting,
    She smiled at him a little bit. “See, you look… like you really don’t want to smile. Okay then look I’ll show what it looks like.” He showed her a big smile. “See? Like this.” He was trying to make her laugh, and now she was “Stop it Tom.” she giggled.
    "Well… that’s smiling.” He smiled.
    Tom Looked at her and seriously asked.” Do you really love my brother?”
    “Do you really want to hear it?” Her smile turns to a serious face.
    He kept in silence.
    “Yes I do love him, Tom…” She admitted.
    “Until now?” He looked into her eyes.
    “Stop it Tom!”
    “So the only reason why you are staying with me is because…”
    “Tom I’m you’re girlfriend now, is that not enough?” She narrated.
    “But still you don’t love me.”
    “I’m trying, can’t you see!” tear drops slowly into her eyes. ”It’s very difficult for me Tom to forget Bill.”
    “It’s because he is brother! your twin brother, can’t you understand?”
    “Why you love him that much! Why you can’t just give that love on me?”
    “You two are different Tom.”
    ”Please love me I’ll do anything, if you want I can dress like him, act like him, were twins right? I can do that, just tell me.”
    “But still, Bill is Bill, Tom you can never be him, you’re different.”
    “But how can I win your heart if Bill is there.”
    “You have me now Tom, all you have to do is to wait.”
    “Wait? but...until when?”
    “If you really love me you’ll wait for me.”
    “Okay, I’ll wait forever if you want.”
    “That’s how you love me?”
    She smiled.

    At Lyndie’s room.
    She was looking at his picture. “I must forget about you Bill, but how? How can I forget you if every time I see Tom… I see you.”
    Somebody knock on the door and when she opened it. “Bill?”
    Bill hugged her “Stop this, please.” She tried to get off in him.
    “Tell me Lyndie, how can I forget you?”
    “Forget me? I don’t know, I even don’t know how to forget you?” She answered back.
    “Why we can’t be together?”
    “I don’t know Bill, don’t ask me.”
    “I love you Lyndie, if you want I’m ready to give up anything for you, my career, our band, everything, even my own brother… just to be with you.”
    “Don’t say that Bill…”

    But I want to be with you, please go with me, let’s go in place where no one knows us and start a new life there.” He was begging her to come with him but…
    “No Bill, if I’ll come with you how about Tom?”
    “Go home now Bill and stop this nonsense, please try to forget about me. And so I do.”
    He took a deep breath. “It’s unfair.”
    “Bill, if we are really destined to be with… in the end destiny will find the way for us.”
    He stooped down “Just always remember that I’ll always love you whatever happens.”
    “Well, we can still be friends…”
    “Friends…” they hugged.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:04 pm

    PART 14

    There relationship last, later on she fall for Tom. “Do you want me to cook dinner for you? I bet you’re really tired.” She was hugging him. “How about you eat here and I’ll cook for you?”
    She smiled. ”But you shoot all day long, you’re tired I know.”
    “I’ll never get tired serving you…baby.” They kissed.
    Bill saw that and its breaks his heart into pieces. Everyday it tear him apart.

    It has been a year since then but until now, his feelings for Lyndie never change. He accepted that Lyndie was with Tom and it will never change. Tom was serious about her and he felt that, he knew that he must stop loving her.

    Months later…
    “Bill I just want to ask if …” She was curious.
    “If what?”
    “Ah, nothing serious.” She sighed.
    “Is there something wrong Lyndie?” He asked.
    “It just recently Tom was acting strange, do you know something?”
    No, I don’t, why did you fight?”
    “No! We didn’t but his different now; I don’t know he was suddenly got cold in me.”
    “Yeah, he never called me back or even visits me in my house and so I came here to ask you.”
    “Well, he never talked to me about anything.”
    “Really? Is he there?”
    “I bet his with Georg.”
    “Can you take me there? I need to talk to him.”

    In Georg’s house.
    “What she never sleep with you? But it’s been a year and nothing happened?”
    “Yeah nothing happened and I do respect her.”
    “Well, dude I’ve got a surprise for you Margaret is here…” Margaret entered the room; she was the first girlfriend of Tom.
    “You know Georg I’m done with her.”
    Margaret entered the room…“Don’t you miss me?”
    Margaret sat in Tom’s lap. “I miss you, you don’t miss me?” and she kissed him.

    She was standing in front of them. “Tom!” She couldn’t believe anything she sees.
    Tom suddenly stood up and…”No, baby you don’t understand, she just…”
    She slapped him as hard as she can. That is the first time they saw her that way, she was really mad.
    “Please let me…” He tried to explain.
    “You don’t have to explain anything, I trusted you, I loved you, and you’re just fooling me? How could you!” She was crying when she left.
    “You going to pay for this Tom, you promised me you never hurt her.” Bill followed her.
    Tom was left behind, things happened so fast. “Tom, I’m still here, we can start all over again, forget about her.”
    “Margaret you will never understand me, I love her and because of you I might lost her.”
    “I’m sorry dude.” Georg apologized.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:04 pm

    PART 15

    She was crying in her room when Bill got there. “I’m sorry.” he hugged her.
    “Why he fooled me? Am I not enough for him?”
    “No, Lyndie… don’t think that.”
    “No Bill He find another woman because I can’t give myself to him.”
    “Don’t say that.” He comforted her.
    “But that’s the reason… isn’t it?”
    “Shhh… stop crying now.”
    “But how, tell me I don’t know what to do now? I can’t live without him.”she cried.
    Bill look at her as he realized that Tom was already replaced him in her heart and it feels like someone stubbed his heart.

    The next day, Tom went to Lyndie’s house to explain everything and she gave him a second chance.
    “But promise me not to do that again, if you hurt to me again Tom, I’ll leave you.”
    “I’ll promise.” he promised.

    In Coffee shop.
    “So, you’re Lyndie? I’m Margaret.” She introduced herself.
    “I know…why you want to talk with me Margaret?”
    “I’m begging you to leave Tom.” She pleaded.
    “He never told you that I’m pregnant?”
    “You’re pregnant?” She was shocked.
    “And …He is the father.” She cried.
    She didn’t notice that her tears dropped in her eyes. ”Really?”
    She can’t believe everything she heard. She ran outside the coffee shop.
    Margaret left alone, she wipe her fake tears away. “Poor girl, she actually believe me?” She laughed while finishing her coffee.

    She went straight in his house.
    Bill opened the door. ”Lyndie?” He didn’t expect her
    “Where is your brother?” She was still crying. She walked inside and went straight to the first room from the right. Tom was there holding his guitar. “Lyndie? Why you came here I said that I will…”
    She slapped him. “That one is for hurting me again.”
    He was still holding his face. “Huh?” He’s clueless.
    “Huh? You told me that you will not hurt me again, I thought you love me, how could you do this to me, again? I gave everything that I can give, but still its not enough for you?”
    “But I do love you Lyndie, you know and I’m done with Margaret, we’ve talk about this right?” he explained.
    “Done? You make me laugh Tom, How could you!”
    “Wait! I don’t know what’s happening again.”
    “You don’t know? That girl is pregnant! You never told me about this! You know…It’s over now Tom, I told you before that once you hurt me again I’ll leave you.”
    “But I didn’t! What? Margaret? She’s…Oh come on…you believe that girl?"
    “Then who will I believe? You? I don’t even know if you’re still telling the truth Tom.”

    “But… Lyndie I love you, you know I can’t do that to you.”
    You already did Tom… you better call her and go with her, that baby needs you.”
    “No buts! Tom, you have an obligation on her.”
    She was crying while she left Tom, she doesn’t even saw that Bill was there.
    “You don’t understand… she’s just lying Lyndie believe me…” He said, but Lyndie got away.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:05 pm

    PART 16

    ”We talked about this Tom…remember?” He was serious.
    “Bill you know I do nothing.”
    “But still you hurt her.”

    “I love her…Bill, you know that…”
    “You love her? No Tom you don’t; because you’re selfish, first you forced her to love you and then when she finally loved you, you hurt her!”
    “Bill I’m still winning her back.”
    “You’re helpless Tom; thank God that you’re my brother because if not…I’m going to kill you.”

    Tom stooped down.

    The next morning
    “Can I talk to her?” Tom pleaded to Lyndie’s Aunt.
    “I’m sorry Tom but she doesn’t like to talk to you.” She replied.
    “Please Madam…” He begged.
    “I’m sorry.” She closed the door.

    Later at night…
    Bill saw Lyndie. “Why you are drinking, you don’t drink right?” He said. She was in the bar.
    “Well I’m drinking now; you know, it doesn’t taste bad at all.” She was drunk.
    “Stop now! You’re drunk.” He tried to get the glass on her hands but she drank all the liquor left in it. “See? I told you I’m not drunk.” She laughed.
    He lifted her up “Here.” He gave the payment to the bartender and left with her. He forced her to get in the car. ”What are you doing?” She complained.
    "I’ll taking you home now.”
    “No! I want to drink more!” She was trying to get out in the car.
    He hugged her. “I know it hurts, please don’t do this to yourself.”
    She just cried. “Bill, please I’m just trying to forget him…”
    “Shh… I’ll take you home.”
    “No! Please I don’t want my aunt to see me like this.”
    “Okay, so where do you want to…”

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:06 pm

    PART 17

    He took her in a hotel.
    “Lyndie… Tom really…” He tried to explain that Tom was innocent.
    “I don’t want to hear anything about your brother Bill, so stop it!” She said.
    “You know what Bill, I thought our happiness was real… but he changed the ending.”
    “You really loved him now, do you?”
    “Yes… I do now, I never expect to love him this way… and be hurt like this. Bill, I’ll need to go away from this country…”
    “But why?”
    “I need to forget Tom… because I can’t forget him if I continue to stay here.”

    “Lyndie…” He hugged her tight. “I don’t want to see you like this; you know its hurting me… because I still love you.”
    She just smiled. “I’m glad you still do… I just wish I feel the same, Bill.”
    “But we can still…”
    “Yes we can but not now…”
    “I will wait for you Lyndie.”

    They hugged.
    That was the last time he saw Lyndie.

    Years pass by, Tom got moved on.
    “Tom, I have tickets here, you want to come with me?”
    “Oh, vacation?” He asked.
    “But I can’t I still need to do something here…Its okay Bill, go and have a relax… you need that we have concert tour after this month right? Your voice needs that.”
    “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
    He asked again.
    Tom just smiled.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:07 pm

    PART 18

    ”Margaret? What are you doing here?” She was surprised.
    “I just want to apologies; I’m not really pregnant that time…” She admitted.
    “What?” She’s confused.
    “I really want to say it right away but it’s so hard to find you.” She explained.
    “So how did you find me here?"
    “I asked your friend, Sonia.”
    She kept silence to think. “So you lied that time? But why?”
    “I want him back… but after you left he got mad at me.”
    “Thank you, you said that even it’s late.”
    “Please say to him that I’m sorry…”
    “Okay, but if we ever meet again, I never saw Tom for years.”
    “I hope you can still fix it, I’m sorry again.”
    “Well, that thing? I don’t know yet.”
    “So I think this is it… I’ll go now, I’m really sorry Lyndie.”
    She apologized again.
    She just smiled.

    She walked while breathing the fresh breeze of the air… Lyndie sat on the sand near the sea. “I finally moved on.” She whispered.
    On the other side Tom was standing near the sea and saw something…
    “She looked familiar.”he said. Slowly he walked near to the girl and “Lyndie?” He hugged her.
    She was shocked because someone hugged her. She slapped him. “Ouch!” He smiled while holding his face "You know? You never changed…"
    She looked at him carefully. “Tom?”
    “Hi! It’s been a long time huh?”
    “Yes…but how come you’re here?”
    “Vacation? Luckily I found you here.”
    “Yeah, Ahm… Tom, I know the truth now I’m sorry for what I did before.”
    He sat beside her. “I saw Margaret talking to you.”
    “She explained what really happened.”
    “So finally…”
    “Yes… I thought you really fooled me, but I guess I’m wrong.”
    “Well past is past… I know I hurt you before… and I still want your forgiveness.”
    “I already forgive you since the day I left.”

    “I’m happy to hear that from you Lyndie. I know from the very first start its my fault, I must not force you to love me… and I really thank you for loving me that time but still I hurt you even I really don’t mean it. So I have moved on now because I think that was the end.” He smiled.
    “I’m happy you finally moved on; I just hope… you will not do the same thing with the next girl you will love.” She smiled back.
    “Of course I will not do the same thing I did for you... Lyndie.” He said while smiling at her.

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:08 pm

    PART 19

    She went back to the city.
    “Hi Auntie!” she hugged her aunt as she greeted.
    She started a new life there…

    Before going to bed she took a moment to think, he saw Bill’s picture in her wallet. “Oh this thing is still here?” She smiled while she remembered that it was the picture of Bill he always keeps since college. Lyndie looked at it. “I still love this guy…” she whispered. Something struck in her mind.

    She called Tom.
    “Hello Tom?”
    “Oh Lyndie, why you called?”
    “Are you with Bill?”

    “Wait…” Tom checked Bill on the other room but…
    “Yes, but he’s not with his room now, I think he’s in the coffee shop.” He narrated.
    “Thank you, Tom.”

    She went to the coffee shop right away but… She saw Bill with someone else. They were happy.
    “I guess he moved on too.” She stooped down.
    “So you still love my brother?” Tom said from her back. She looked back. “I just realized I still do Tom.”
    “I’m sorry Lyndie, I know it’s my fault why you two end up like this.” He was sad.
    “Don’t feel sorry for me Tom…” She tried to hide her sadness with a smile. “Its okay… if he’s happy with her, I’ll be happy too.”

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    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:13 pm

    PART 20

    Later at night.
    “Bill… Lyndie is here and she still loves you.”
    “Really?” He replied.
    “Why you don’t love her anymore?” Tom asked.
    “Margaret told me that she already told her the truth.” Bill changed the topic.
    “She already forgave me.”
    “Well it’s good to know…”
    “But I don’t want to force her to love me again, Bill.”
    “Really Tom?”
    He gave him a fake smile.
    “Why you are acting like that? Don’t you get it, I want you to…”
    “To do what?”
    He quickly replied.
    “To love her like before…”
    “Tom, it’s been a long time.”
    “If you really love her, you will go and tell her what you feel.”
    “But what if I don’t feel anything anymore?”
    “If you don’t, I will… wait until she falls in love with me again.”
    “Are you sure you want to give up Tom?”

    “If she’s happier with you, sure I will.”

    She was on her way back home from her office. As she walked she saw another big bunch of crowds. She stopped for a moment, she remembered that day… When she first met Bill; it was here in the same spot she was standing right now. She looked around but all she sees is nothing… so she took a breath and walked again.
    Lyndie cross by on that dress shop where in she saw that wedding dress… It was still there.
    But, the girl took it in the glass window. She decided to go inside the store and asked. “Excuse me Miss, Did someone bought that gown?” She asked.
    “I bought it.” She heard a familiar voice, she looked back. “Bill?”
    “Hi! Good to see you here…”
    “Same… I’m happy to see you, you bought the wedding gown?”
    “Yes, I’m planning to get marry.”

    Lyndie felt it’s like someone shot a gun directing to her heart. “So… getting married, huh?”
    She hides her pain with a smile.
    “Actually I ask Tom to say this to you but you’re here right now so I personally invite you for my wedding."
    “Me?” She was shocked. “Oh sure I will come.” She added.
    Good. See you around Lyndie.”
    She was left behind, as she walked out of that boutique. “He’s getting married.” She didn’t notice she was actually crying.

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    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:16 pm

    PART 21

    It was a private wedding. Only the closest friends are invited.
    Lyndie is wearing a white beaded gown.
    “Hi Lyndie, you look beautiful today.” Tom said.
    “Really?” She gave him a fake smile, she actually not feeling well.
    Tom noticed it. “Are you sick?”
    “Of course I will feel sick! Can’t you see Bill will getting married to someone else!” her mind want to say it out loud but she just said. “No, I’m okay…” She smiled again.
    “When will it start?” She asked calmly.
    When his bride is ready.” Tom gave her a meaningful smile.
    She looked at him seriously, she didn’t understand what he was saying.
    She was shocked when she saw Sonia far behind Tom. She walked near to her. “What are you doing here Sonia?”
    “I don’t know Bill invited us to come here.” She gave her a meaningful smile.
    On the other side, she saw her Aunt standing next to her Mom and Dad smiling at her. “Am I dreaming? How come…” She walked near to them. “What are you doing here Mom, Dad? Aunt?” But the just hugged her.
    “Lyndie! Comeback here… the groom is here.” Tom waved on her.
    “Go there our little baby.” Her mom said.
    “But…Mom.” Her mom nodded and smiled.
    Bill is wearing all white tuxedos.
    “Wow he’s really look good in that, I just wished I was his bride.” She whispered. She didn’t notice Sonia was in her back.
    “Don’t worry Lyndie later on you will see.” Sonia whispered back and smiled. “Ha? What do you mean?” She asked. However, Sonia answered her with a pouting lips pointing direct to Bill. “Huh?” She was confused.
    She looked at Bill; He was looking at her… but instead walking to the end of isle… He walked and stop in front of her. “What are you doing Bill?” She asked confusingly. Everyone was looking at her.
    “I was looking for my bride?” he said.
    “What do you mean?”
    He gave his brother a hand sign.
    Tom gave a familiar box. Bill opened it and took out the wedding gown he bought in that boutique. “I want you to wear this Lyndie.”
    “You… want me to wear this?”
    She was still confused.
    He kneeled down in front of her and pulled out the engagement ring in his pocket and said. “Can you be my bride?”
    “What?” She was shocked and can’t say anything. Lyndie looked at Tom. “Do you know about this thing Tom?” He nodded and smile at her. She looked back with Sonia. “…how about you?” Sonia nodded with a smile too.
    “So that’s why…” She realized what is happening. “My Mom and Dad are here?”
    “I asked them if I can marry you, and they said yes.” Bill narrated.
    “What? So I’m just the only one who doesn’t know that this wedding… is actually my wedding?”
    “It’s not like that… Lyndie…” She gave him a hard slap and walked away.
    The crowd was shocked.

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    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:18 pm

    PART 22

    "Can you actually believe it? Planning my wedding without me!” She murmured while walking. She was disappointed.
    “Wait! Lyndie…” He ran after her.
    “What?” She answered without looking back. She was angry.
    “You don’t understand!”
    “How come will I understand?” She keeps walking while Bill is walking after her few meters away.
    “I just want to be with you!” He explained.
    “Be with me?” She repeated.
    “I love you!”
    “I love yo…” He kissed her lips. The world stops spinning for that very moment. She forgot all her hatred for him. All that mattered was the kiss.
    She was crying after the kiss. “What? Why you are crying again?” He asked.
    “Because…” She took a breath and added “…you stole another kiss from me?” She smiled while Bill wiping her tears.
    “Lyndie… I want you to be my wife.” He seriously asked.
    “If I say no… what will you do?”
    He thinks first. “Well I have my bodyguards to force you to wear that wedding gown.”
    She laughed. “Really forcing me huh?”
    “I know I don’t have to do that… you will marry me.” He was assured.
    “Oh! Well, well, well… how come you are really sure?” She arc her one brow.
    “Well…” He showed a picture on her. That was the picture from her wallet. “If you don’t love me how come you have this picture in your wallet?”
    “How did you get that?”
    She wondered.
    “Sonia gave it to me.” He smiled.
    “Sonia?” She shakes her head in denial.
    “Sonia told me you never took my picture out in your wallet since college?”
    “What? She said that…”
    She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks.
    “So meaning to say… you really love me, even before?”
    “Ha? Eh…”
    She doesn’t have any word she can say, He was really telling the truth.
    “Okay, you caught me…”She smiled, while blushing.
    “So… you will marry me?” He asked again.
    “If you brought my ring, I will.”
    “Oh! the ring.”
    He feeling out his pocket, luckily it was there.
    As he took it out in his pocket, he kneeled down again. “Will you marry me?”
    She smile and said. “Yes!” He stood up as he wears the ring in her finger and they hugged.
    They just notice that there are a lot of crowds surrounding and watching them when they heard them screaming; fortunately Bill brought his bodyguards with him.

    On the other side…
    Tom was there standing far from the crowd looking at Lyndie hugging his twin brother. He smiled and said. “I’m happy for you Lyndie.” He walked out but the other crowd noticed him, he run fast away from them and “Ouch!” A girl voice screamed.

    Last edited by dianavymm on Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Posts : 991
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    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: "True Love" ( love at first sight )    "True Love" ( love at first sight )  EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 11:20 pm

    PART 23

    "Sorry Miss.” He hugged her tight without any second thought. The crowd passes by unnoticing them. “Than…ks”
    She slapped him. He looked at her while holding his face, realizing “Lyndie? But you’re in the…” He looked back and couldn’t believe what he sees. “Get off with me!” he pushed him away and fixed her dress. “Do you know Lyndie?” He wondered.
    The girl looked at him. “Yes, she’s my sister, why?”
    “You looked exactly like her.”
    Shallie was clueless at first and then she remembered. “…So your Bill or Tom?”
    He answered back.
    “I’m Shallie.” She smiled. ”Ahm… sorry I didn’t mean to slap you, well you shocked me.” She explained.
    “No, its okay, you know you act like your sister but I didn’t know Lyndie have a sister.”
    “Well now you know.”
    She smiled. “Tom I’m kind of lost here can you show me where is the wedding?”
    “I see… okay. I’m actually going there now, want to come with me?”
    “Wow that’s great.”
    She smiled.
    “My God, am I in love again?” He confusedly asked while looking at her smiling.

    The wedding ends well.
    “I pronounced you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
    They kissed while they are hearing the applause of the crowd.

    After the wedding, the newly wed interviewed.
    “I actually didn’t know this thing will happen in my life.” Lyndie said.
    He smiled. “Me too I’m glad I found her.”
    “You said before Bill that you don’t like to marry?”
    the interviewer asked.
    “Well, as I said before, true love happens once in a lifetime.”
    “So meaning to say Lyndie is your true love?”

    They both smiled while holding hands.
    "So tell me, how did it start?”
    “It was love at first sight… and then…” Bill told their love story.

    And they lived happily ever after just like in the ending of her novels.

    The End.

    Thank you for reading my novel entitled
    hope you enjoy reading this story.
    I would like to see your comments about the whole story so please feel free to write after this message.

    Sincerely yours,
    Diana Vymm
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